About Us

Prime Quill, established by Rohit Belakud, the esteemed CTO of TechBSB, stands as a beacon of journalistic integrity and excellence in the vast ocean of online news platforms.

At Prime Quill, we have meticulously curated a team of dedicated writers, researchers, and reporters, each specializing in specific categories to ensure comprehensive coverage of global news.

Our commitment lies not merely in the rapid dissemination of information but in the unwavering pursuit of quality journalism, prioritizing accuracy, depth, and relevance above all else.

With primequill.com as our digital frontier, we aim to redefine the standards of online news delivery, fostering an environment where readers can rely on us as a trusted source of information amidst the tumultuous waves of the modern media landscape.

Our dedication to providing insightful analysis, thought-provoking commentary, and unbiased reporting underscores our mission to empower our audience with knowledge and understanding, thereby fostering informed discourse and contributing positively to the global community.

At Prime Quill, the quill may be our symbol, but our commitment to excellence in journalism is our guiding principle.